Economic Opportunities Analysis for Cities in Grant County

From resources the Oregon Legislature authorized in 2018, Grant County and Grant County cities were awarded consultant assistance from Johnson Economics to complete an Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) for the cities in Grant County, which was completed in 2019.

Read the full report here, or visit our Master Plans, Studies and Reports page to learn more and see what else is happening in our economy

What is an EOA?

An analysis of local and regional economic trends, evaluation of the community’s opportunities and barriers to economic growth, and a determination of the types and amounts of land and infrastructure needed to support expected employment for 20 years. When complete, they are best adopted as part of a community’s Comprehensive Plan.

Why do an EOA?

  • Ensure 20-year supply of land for job growth

  • EOAs can be used to seek grant funds from state and federal sources

  • Create a locally customized information base on how best to facilitate jobs in our communities – can be an attachment to seek further funds to build infrastructure, pursue job training or other employment initiatives.

EOA Outcomes

The 2019 Grant County EOA is divided among six primary sections:

  1. Economic Trends: Provides an overview of national, state and local economic trends affecting Grant County and Cities, including population projections, employment growth and a demographic profile.
  2. Target Industries: Analysis of key industry typologies the City should consider targeting as economic opportunities over the planning period.
  3. Employment Land Needs: Examines projected demand for industrial and commercial land based on anticipated employment growth rates by sector.
  4. Capacity: Summarizes the City’s inventory of vacant and redevelopable industrial and commercial land (employment land) within the UGB.
  5. Reconciliation: Compares short- and long-term demand for employment land to the existing land inventory to determine the adequacy and appropriateness of capacity over a five and twenty-year horizon.
  6. Economic Development Potential and Conclusions: Summary of findings and policy implications.

The City of John Day is implementing the recommendations of the EOA through its economic development strategies.